
High Fashion or Just Plain Ridiculous

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Let's talk hats. Or, fascinators rather. As with any bold fashion statement, the Philip Treacy designed headgear that dominated the noggins of many women at the royal wedding, provoked either admiration or scorn. On many outlets, Eugenie and Beatrice are being compared to Cinderella's evil stepsisters (ouch). But, there are also those who think it all genius - Mr. Treacy can do no wrong. Here is my take. Even if something is deemed "the height of fashion", if it makes you look ridiculous - and let's be honest, some of these women looked RIDICULOUS - it is a bad choice. Especially for such an occasion as this. Think about the weddings you have attended. Every time I get dressed for a wedding, I consider first and foremost the Bride. Who is she? What is her sense of style? If I know these things, then I have an idea of what the wedding is going to be like, and therefore what is appropriate for me to wear. The consideration is ALWAYS for the bride. This is her day - it is not about me. I only need to look presentable and appropriate. There is never, ever a good excuse for taking attention away from a bride on her wedding day. All of that said, I think Kate's understated elegance still out-shined all of the comical headgear. Still, what were these women thinking? And what is Mr. Treacy's responsibility in all of this? Clearly he saw an opportunity to get all kinds of attention - good or bad. And for someone like Eugenie, who admits she has no fashion sense, she seems to have been taken advantage of. Let's face it, she will never live down that hot mess on her head.

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